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Our staff will share regular entries of commentary, descriptions and events which will allow you to get to know us better.

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Blogs Entries

Christmas Is Nearly Here!!
Christmas Is Nearly Here!!
Category: Blogs
Posted: 08-12-2011 11:26
Views: 2050

With the sudden onset of cold weather it is a reminder that Christmas is just around the corner and we love to know if you have finished or only just begun your Christmas Shopping and whether or not you put up loads of Decorations at home or at your workplace. I have just about about got myself almost organised but still have more presents to buy. Please share with us any last minute Christmas Shopping stories you may have 

Novelties Direct Have Moved!!
Novelties Direct Have Moved!!
Category: Blogs
Posted: 29-11-2011 10:57
Views: 1781

We are now in and settled into our new office and warehouse and everything is taking shape. I love the feeling of being organised and seeing all of our Party Novelties in the right place where they should be and the Party Supplies labelled and in order. Please share with us if you are organised at work or at home or if you work in a mess but know where everything is!  

Novelties Direct Are Moving!!
Novelties Direct Are Moving!!
Category: Blogs
Posted: 07-11-2011 13:54
Views: 5767

This week we are busy packing up our Offices and Warehouse with all of our Products as we are moving. This has led to lots of conversations about how at various times we have all moved house and how we organised ourselves and we love to know your experiences of moving either homes or offices and if you have any tips for us.

Beyonce's new video 'Party'
Beyonce's new video 'Party'
Category: Blogs
Posted: 01-11-2011 13:54
Views: 1986

Today we are talking about how much fun Beyonce's new video Party is. She is seen wearing various bikinis and hot pants as she gets ready to host a fab Party for friends. We would love to know if you are a Beyonce fan and if you like her new Video.

Christmas Countdown Begins!!!
Christmas Countdown Begins!!!
Category: Blogs
Posted: 27-10-2011 09:43
Views: 1963

Today I am talking about the start of the Christmas Countdown of how many Shopping Days there are left and how I always think I am organised but it never quite works out as planned. The biggest rush always seems to be to get the new Fad Toy thats out and Sixty per cent of Toys are bought between now and Christmas. Please let us know if you are organised and if you have started your Christmas Shopping yet.

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