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Blogs Entries

TOWIE Cast Dress In Royal Colours, Is Your Jubilee Outfit Ready?
TOWIE Cast Dress In Royal Colours, Is Your Jubilee Outfit Ready?
Category: Blogs
Posted: 24-05-2012 08:49
Views: 5121

Today I have suddenly realised that I hav'nt yet chosen the outfit for my Jubilee Tea. The cast of TOWIE were photographed yesterday elegantly dressed in Red, White and Blue, I will be more fun than elegant. A Union Jack Dress is more for me with Matching Union Jack Glasees and Union Jack Hair Accessories. Of course my husband has to be in co-ordianating Union Jack Gear too. I would love to know what you will be wearing for the Jubilee.

Harrrods Are Ready For The Jubilee, Are You?
Harrrods Are Ready For The Jubilee, Are You?
Category: Blogs
Posted: 17-05-2012 12:32
Views: 40006

With Harrods showing their Jubilee Royal Windows which are for the moment red and gold framing 31 crowns, I have been thinking about how I am going to be Decorating my house. I won't be replacing my windows but i will be hanging Union Jack Flags from them and putting up Union Jack Bunting. A Life Size Cardboard Cutout of the Queen will also make an appearance as well as loads of Red, White and Blue Balloons. We would love to know how you are planning to decorate your house for the soon approaching Jubilee.

It's Almost Eurovision Time
It's Almost Eurovision Time
Category: Blogs
Posted: 15-05-2012 09:09
Views: 1590

As it is nearly time for the Iconic Eurovision Song Contest 2012 I have been remembering great moments like seeing Bucks Fizz and Brotherhood Of Man. I am still a fan of the Eurovision Song Contest and will be watching Englebert Humperdink representing the United Kingdom and would love to know if you are a fan and who your favourite participants have been. The final of the Eurovision Contest is on 26th May in Azerbajian and the hosting city is Baku.

Euro 2012 Championship
Euro 2012 Championship
Category: Blogs
Posted: 14-05-2012 10:11
Views: 1714

With Euro 2012 fast approaching we have been looking at ways to cheer on your team with friends. The 2012 European Football Championships are taking place in Poland and Ukraine from 8th June - 4th July with 16 Nations taking part. There are so many ways to enjoy watching the Euro Championships with friends and to cheer on your team. Football and Country Decorations including Flags and Banners are put up in pubs, restaurants and homes and many supporters Dress Up in Wigs and Hats wearing Face Paint. We would love to know where you plan to watch this Football Tournament.

The Anticipated School Prom
The Anticipated School Prom
Category: Blogs
Posted: 01-05-2012 14:00
Views: 1577

It is nearly time for The School Prom which is the culmination of months of solid revising and taking exams. This is such an exciting event for those finishing GCSE's and A Levels. A lot of the fun is also in the arrangements from choosing Venues, Decorations and Themes as well as outfits and who will be Prom King and Prom Queen. I never had a School Prom when I left school and would love to know if you did or if your children are going to their School Prom this year.

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