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Home :: Novelties Direct Blog :: Blogs :: It's Almost Eurovision Time

It's Almost Eurovision Time

It's Almost Eurovision Time
Category: Blogs
Views: 1594

As it is nearly time for the Iconic Eurovision Song Contest 2012 I have been remembering great moments like seeing Bucks Fizz and Brotherhood Of Man. I am still a fan of the Eurovision Song Contest and will be watching Englebert Humperdink representing the United Kingdom and would love to know if you are a fan and who your favourite participants have been. The final of the Eurovision Contest is on 26th May in Azerbajian and the hosting city is Baku.

It is nearly time for the great institution that is the Eurovision Song ContestOn 26th May the music legend Englebert Humperdink will represent the United Kingdom in the final of the Eurovision Song Contest. This year the Eurovision is being held in Azerbaijan and the hosting city is Baku. There are 43 Countries taking part including Montenegro who hav'nt participated since 2009. Two semi finals will result in 10 countries from each semi final joining Azerbajian , France , Germany , Italy , Spain and the United Kingdom for the final to sing for their country. I still love the Eurovision Song Contest and watching the famous scoring.

Are you a Eurovision fan? Who have been your favourite participants? Maybe Bucks Fizz or Brotherhood Of Man?

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