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Home :: Party Supplies :: Flags :: Hand Held :: South Africa Flag Hand Held 20 X 14cm

South Africa Flag Hand Held 20 X 14cm

South Africa Flag Hand Held 20 X 14cm
SKU SKU92939
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10+ Items £0.96
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South Africa Flag Hand held 20 X 14 cms on a plastic 30cm stick 100% Polyester

Ideal for Indoor and Outdoor Parties.

Made from 100% polyester.

The Flag of South Africa was designed to symbolize unity.

The red, white and blue colours were taken from the colours of the Boer Republics.

The yellow, black and green are taken from the African National Congress (ANC) Flag.

South Africa/South African Flag. Adoped in the 1994.

South Africa Flag Hand held 20 X 14 cms on a plastic 30cm stick 100% Polyester

Ideal for Indoor and Outdoor Parties.

Made from 100% polyester.

The Flag of South Africa was designed to symbolize unity.

The red, white and blue colours were taken from the colours of the Boer Republics.

The yellow, black and green are taken from the African National Congress (ANC) Flag.

South Africa/South African Flag. Adoped in the 1994.

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