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Diamond Jubilee

Diamond Jubilee
Category: Blogs
Views: 1895

Today I am talking about The Diamond Jubilee and how it seems that Street Parties and Events are being organised earlier than they were for The Royal Wedding. Realising how much enjoyment came from the festivities of The Royal Wedding people want to get involved and do it all over again by planning get- togethers and Union Jack Themed Parties. Please let me know if you will be having a Street Party or if you are involved in arranging any Special Events.

With still months to go there is already excitement in the build up to the Diamond Jubilee in June and people all across the country have already applied to local councils to obtain licenses to close their roads for traditional Street Parties. It is reported that due to the success of the festivities of William and Kates Royal Wedding these events are being organised much earlier than they were last year. The social gathering of the long established Street Party is the ideal way to bring people together as well as having Jubilee get- togethers at home or in parks where you can create the Best Of British theme with Union Jack Tableware , DecorationsFlags and Bunting. Having had a really lovely day at my home  celebrating the Royal Wedding I have already started thinking about what I am going to do to mark this memorable ocassion.

Have you or anybody in your road started to arrange a street party? Will you be marking the ocassion?

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