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Justin Beiber In Concert

Justin Beiber In Concert
Category: Blogs
Views: 2355

Following Justin Beibers late arrival for his concert on Monday night we have been thinking about great concerts that we have been to such as Elton John and Robbie Williams. We would love to know if you or your children were at the Justin Beiber concert singing along and  waving cutouts of him and if you have any concert stories.

Monday night saw thousands of Justin Beiber fans head to Londons O2 Arena to watch him in concert. Beiber is a huge pop icon and has so many young followers who had to wait until 10:30 for him to appear on stage. Once he started performing though his loyal supporters did'nt seem to mind. There were photographs in yesterdays paper of parents waiting to collect their children after the Justin Beiber concert which is something many of us have done before allowing our growing teens to see their favourite Pop Stars. My family love going to concerts and my daughter really enjoyed seeing Justin Beibers last concert, I have also enjoyed in seeing Elton John and Robbie when he joined Gary Barlow and Take That was amazing. I hope that all the fans attending the next two nights of Justin Beibers concert have a fantastic time.

Were you or your children at the Justin Beiber concert? Maybe you were waiting around for your children, please let us know your concert experiences.

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