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Home :: Novelties Direct Blog :: Blogs :: Italy Independence Day Celebrations

Italy Independence Day Celebrations

Italy Independence Day Celebrations
Category: Blogs
Views: 64020

Italy Independence Day is April 25th and is a National Holiday in Italy. We have been looking at ways to celebrate this day and using Italian Decorations shows support. Waving or putting up an Italian Flag is always a popular choice as is a Hand Waving Flag and Italian Flag Mask. We would love to know how you will be celebrating Italy Independence Day and whether there will be pizza and pasta included.

Italy Independence Day is on April 25th and is the anniversary of the resistance. This is a National Holiday and marks the end of the Second World War. In many cities in Italy Marches and Parades take place to honour and commemorate this day.

There are many ways to enjoy this day from attending Parades and getting together with friends to going out to Italian Restaurants or Delis and flying the Italian Flag. Eating Pizza, Pasta and Ice Cream is always a good way to acknowledge Italy Independence Day and putting up a Cutout of a traditional Italian Chef will go well with your Italian menu. An Italian themed party is always a good idea to mark the occasion. Start by putting up decorations such as an Italian Banner and cutouts showing the culture of Italy which includes The Leaning Tower Of Pisa and the Gondolas of Venice. An Italian Decoration Pack contains all the essentials needed to decorate your home, bar or restaurant and wearing an Italian Flag Mask looks very authentic as well a good fun. Waving Hand Held Flags are a must at a Parade or March and also works well handing out at a party.

Ordering is easy and with our choice of delivery options you will be ready in time for Italy Independence Day, just go to Country Themes and scroll down to Italy to find everything you need.

How will you be spending Italy Independence this year?

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