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Home :: Personalised Novelties & Gifts :: Christmas :: Personalised Hanging Decorations :: Personalised Cute Teddy Merry Xmas Bauble

Personalised Cute Teddy Merry Xmas Bauble

Personalised Cute Teddy Merry Xmas Bauble
SKU P0305E03
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Personalised Cute Teddy Merry Xmas Bauble

This beautiful ceramic bauble features a cute teddy design with the words 'Merry Christmas' as standard but you can personalise the year on the front as well as 4 lines of message on the reverse.The style of bauble topper may vary.

Personalised Cute Teddy Merry Xmas Bauble

This beautiful ceramic bauble features a cute teddy design with the words 'Merry Christmas' as standard but you can personalise the year on the front as well as 4 lines of message on the reverse.The style of bauble topper may vary.

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