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Home :: Party Themes :: Hawaiian :: Decorations :: Hawaiian Decorations :: Decoration Tissue Fan Red - White And Green Honeycomb Hanging Fan 64cm

Decoration Tissue Fan Red - White And Green Honeycomb Hanging Fan 64cm

Decoration Tissue Fan Red - White And Green Honeycomb Hanging Fan 64cm
SKU SKU51020
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10+ Items £5.30
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Decoration Tissue Fan Red, White And Green Honeycomb Hanging Fan 64cm (Qty per unit: 1). Wow your guests with this red, white and green honeycomb hanging fan which is an impressive decoration for any occasion. It it bright and colourful and can be hung either from the ceiling,on a wall or from a doorway.

Decoration Tissue Fan Red, White And Green Honeycomb Hanging Fan 64cm (Qty per unit: 1). Wow your guests with this red, white and green honeycomb hanging fan which is an impressive decoration for any occasion. It it bright and colourful and can be hung either from the ceiling,on a wall or from a doorway.

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